Ben 10 protector of the earth
Ben 10 protector of the earth

ben 10 protector of the earth ben 10 protector of the earth

It's a good group, and does a nice job representing the diversity of Ben's abilities – it's even up to date, as Cannonbolt and Wildvine are some of Ben's newer forms, while the other three were part of the original 10 set. There's Cannonbolt, who looks like a yeti but rolls up like an armadillo, and Wildvine, the sentient plant monster who plays a bit like the Bionic Commando, and, finally, XLR8, the speedster who's by far the fastest and most mobile of them all. The Omnitrix keeps a permanent residence on the touch screen, where it's easy to move your thumb over and quickly select between Ben's different transformations. There's Fourarms, the heavy-hitting barbarian who will be your best option in major brawls with bunches of baddies. There's Heatblast, a pyrotechnic alien with the power to control fire and float for a short time. You'll find five altogether, in addition to Ben's normal human form. That's good for whatever action figure company has the Ben 10 license, but daunting for a game designer to tackle – so, wisely, this first Ben 10 game chooses to focus on only a subset of Ben's best transformations. But as the series has progressed, he's gained more and more accessible alien forms to call upon, with new ones added with regular frequency. The titular numeral refers to his original set of 10 transformations – the Omnitrix on his arm, when activated, allowed him to assume the shape, abilities and psychological mentality of any of 10 different alien species. Ben's dealing instead with upwards of 20 different personalities and alternate alien forms in the cartoon show, and it's kind of a mess to try to keep track of them all. Because Ben's double life isn't just a double.

Ben 10 protector of the earth